Case study on Understanding Pathophysiology: Pharyngotonsillitis and exudates Infection; Inflammation of Pharyngeal Discuss the following mini Case Study: A 4-year-old boy presents to his primary care

Case study on Understanding Pathophysiology: Pharyngotonsillitis and exudates Infection; Inflammation of Pharyngeal Discuss the following mini Case Study: A 4-year-old boy presents to his primary care provider with a severe sore throat,chills and fever. The boy’s mother tells you that he couldn’t sleep all night. Uponexamination, there is pharyngeal and tonsillar erythema and exudate formation.a. Describe […]

Acute Joint Inflammation

 Case Study: Rheumatoid Arthritis Mr. Y is a 47 year old, mixed race [Asian/African ethnicity], male patient who presented to your office with severe right great toe pain. Onset of the pain was 2 days ago. Mr. Y denies any known trauma to his right foot or his great toe on that foot. His right […]

Case Study: Acute Joint Inflammation

Case Study Mr. Y is a 47 year old, mixed race [Asian/African ethnicity], male patient who presented to your office with severe right great toe pain. Onset of the pain was 2 days ago. Mr. Y denies any known trauma to his right foot or his great toe on that foot. His right great toe […]