DDHA 8450 Walden University Health Services Organizations Paper

Considerations with Resource Allocation and Risk in Health Services Organizations Consider the following scenario: Champion Healthcare is an HSO that serves a large network of hospitals, research laboratories, and clinics across various regions. Recently, the board of directors of Champion Healthcare has requested that all network health facilities develop patient portal technology to enhance patient […]

DDHA 8600 Walden University Decision Making in Healthcare Essay

What are the economic implications for contributing to physician behavior? How do you avoid roadblocks and what strategies might you use to address physician concerns with mergers/acquisitions? As a current or future healthcare administration leader, your health services organization may participate in or engage in a merger/acquisition. While the merger/acquisition process has several implications for […]

DDHA 8800: Simulation in Health Care

I’m stuck on a Health & Medical question and need an explanation. Sometimes, challenges or issues in healthcare delivery are not prescriptive in nature and cannot be solved using pure optimization. Simulation provides healthcare administration leaders and decision makers a method to evaluate problems using probabilistic components. For example, a primary care queueing problem might […]

DDHA 8750 Walden University Earning Trust and Loyalty Mini Case

I need help with a Health & Medical question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn. How might health care leaders establish trust and loyalty in their health care organization? What strategies might health care leaders employ in order to assert themselves as responsible for and capable of leading change forward? […]

DDHA 8600 Walden Legislative Regulatory Actions for Healthcare Expenditures Discussion

How might legislative and regulatory actions affect healthcare expenditures? It may come as no surprise that the rising costs of healthcare from both a provider and consumer perspective, remain a major challenge in the U.S. healthcare system. While healthcare costs from a consumer perspective may have been temporarily alleviated with the implementation of the PPACA, […]

DDHA 8750 Walden Quality Indicators in Long Term Care and Home Health Care Essay

Quality Indicators in Long-Term Care and Home Health Care How do quality standards for long-term care and home health care vary in comparison to quality standards for other types of health care organizations? Many health care organizations are part of a general network or group of health care facilities that may include urgent and acute […]