Variations in Approaches to Care

This week’s first discussion forum will focus on immigrants and refugees. Describe the basic premise of both the community and market-oriented approach to health care, as highlighted in Chapter 10 of your text. To what extent is each multidisciplinary? How might each approach help and/or hinder health care access for immigrants and refugees? What are […]

SOC 313 Final Paper Miller Family

SOC313_Introduction_to_the_Miller_Family.pdf To complete this assignment, read through the scenario below and address the specific questions and issues indicated. Review the “Introduction to the Miller Family” document for specific information on each member of the family. Grandmother Ella has been dealing with cancer for years now and has tried alternative remedies and juicing.  She went into […]

Product and Technology Management

 Description Type: OtherUnit: Product and Technology Management, Deliverable Length: Completed Excel template (Cells B2–L31); 2 slides: Recommendations and References View objectives for this assignment Go To: Assignment Details Learning Materials Reading Assignment My Work: Online Deliverables: None Looking for tutoring? Go to Smarthinking Collapse All | Expand All Assignment Details Assignment Description You will create […]

HCA 415 Applying Epidemiology

THESE ARE THE TEXTBOOK CHAPTERS Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 8 Applying Epidemiology Epidemiology is the study of epidemics. More specifically, it is the study of the occurrence and distribution of health problems. Using any of the epidemiological techniques outlined in the chapters from this week’s reading, address the questions for one of the case […]

AH356 Week 5 Discussion

Week 5 Most organizations utilizesome form of content filtering software. Unfortunately, such software has beenknown to block access to legitimate sites.  After learning more about such software, do you believe that content filteringshould be based on level or responsibility within the organization or shouldthere be a blanket policy in place that affects everyone the same? Your […]

Tort Laws – Muscle of Justice

 Description Nader states that tort laws are the muscle of justice, allowing the David (individual) stand up to a Goliath (civil violators & bullies). But there is truth in the fact that some people take advantage of the legal system to harass others, with hopes of hitting the jury lottery. Read the article “Top Ten […]

Applying Epidemiology

Epidemiology is the study of epidemics. More specifically, it is the study of the occurrence and distribution of health problems. Using any of the epidemiological techniques outlined in the chapters from this week’s reading, address the questions for one of the case studies outlined below.  Epidemiological Case #1: Gastroenteritis at a University in Texas   Epidemiological […]

HCAD 640 UMDC White Paper on The Basic Steps of The Revenue Cycle Paper

You have been recently hired at UMGC Health as a financial consultant. One of your job duties entails educating new hires on the revenue cycle process. For this assignment, you will prepare a 3-5 page white paper outlining the basic steps of the revenue cycle. Identify the various steps within the revenue cycle process, including […]

Future of nursing

 Write a paper addressing the following questions (provide citations to references used): 1. Is individual access to health care a right or a privilege? Consider the financial implications of your response. What are the additional responsibilities of the client, the nurse and the overall healthcare system based on your stance? 2. Compare the cost of […]

HCAD 640 UMDC White Paper on The Basic Steps of The Revenue Cycle Paper

You have been recently hired at UMGC Health as a financial consultant. One of your job duties entails educating new hires on the revenue cycle process. For this assignment, you will prepare a 3-5 page white paper outlining the basic steps of the revenue cycle. Identify the various steps within the revenue cycle process, including […]